I take pride in the workshops I provide, and an essential part of developing the workshops is getting constructive feedback. Over the years I have received many feedback forms from schools, one of the recurring comments was to have everyone included in hands on activities, which was a challenge with large groups of say 90 children or more! As a result, I redesigned my "props" and tweaked the workshops, which I believe now involves everyone even in large groups. I am very happy with the responses I receive, below are a few comments from schools. If you require a direct reference, please contact me and I will send you details of schools that are happy to give a reference.
"A very stimulating hands on experience. A chance for the children to use and apply their problem-solving skills. The children were given the chance to think for themselves. They were really delighted to solve their challenges"
Sam Dunn, Class Teacher
"Very engaging, thought provoking and interactive. The way the challenges were presented made you WANT to investigate the problem. I liked the involvement of everyone in all the challenges and the physical activates engaged the children."
Lucy Thompson, Teacher
"Very enjoyable...age appropriate for our Yr 6 children. Would be able to demonstrate to colleagues back at school. Very hands on using resources and prop's that kept the children very interested throughout the session."
Helen McKenzie, Teacher Assistant
"The children were completely absorbed in what Simon was demonstrating and allowed the children to make 'brilliant mistakes', it added to their learning"
Miss Vicky, Learning Support Assistant
"Energetic, funny, educational and varied! Simon had great interaction with the children, and it was a fun way of learning/teaching. The children enjoyed it!"
Saskia Gutteridge, Year 1 Teacher
"The Workshops were fun, which encouraged children to join in, making it a FUN and memorable Mathematical experience for all! Simon (Professor Brainwave) had a fantastic rapport with the children."
Maths Coordinator
"The tactile approach was great; learning about and manipulating 3D objects was effective"
Miss Roberts, Class Teacher
"Simon was great and made the Maths fun for the children. Super props to explain the concepts."
Amy Greabrex, Reception Teacher
"good fun, interactive session for parents and children."
Parent of Yr 3 Student
"Fantastic workshop. Great teamwork. Prof Brainwave helped everyone to get involved lots of fun"
Parent of Yr 6 Student
"We thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, my son was keen to share what he had learnt"
Parent of Yr 5 Student
"It is a very hands on and encourage a lot of lateral thinking. The giant resources were very visual and tactile."
Louise Wood, School Secretary