Brainwave Education's key objective is to give primary school children the confidence to tackle maths problems without the fear of getting it wrong. This is achieved by providing a FUN and engaging environment where mistakes are welcome as it gives us the opportunity to learn. I believe it is the journey of discovering the solution where deep learning occurs and not focusing solely on the answer. Our mantra is there are no wrong answers, only pathways of learning. This belief is used throughout the workshop which encourages children to use their imaginations without the fear of being wrong, as each "incorrect" answer will lead to new ideas, thus bringing a deeper understanding of the problem and therefore learning. It's key to have the children involved in work that is based on their own ideas, and they have taken part in deciding how to do it. It's well established that children learn while having fun which is why the workshops are delivered with a level of humour and fun that encourages children to join in, making it a FUN and memorable maths experience for all!
We also highly value the need to work together in life. All workshops encourage teamwork and the company logo represents this with three people holding hands and working together. "Together we can achieve".
It is essential that the maths workshops provided are of a high standard and meet your requirements. I am constantly evolving the workshops building on my experience and the valuable feedback provided by teachers and pupils. I am confident that the standard delivered will meet you requirements, which is why I offer 100% money back guarantee! The guarantee is there for your peace of mind. All workshops support the National Curriculum and have been risk assessed.
An up to date Disclosure Baring Service certificate is held which you are more than welcome to view prior to any booking. Public liability insurance is also in place.
I was a Recruitment Consultant for 10 years recruiting Accountants for large multinational companies. After the arrival of my first child I opted out of the rat race and followed a passion for making people laugh as Mr Timmy Tickle the Children's Entertainer (I like to say I turned professional!). Throughout my time as a children's entertainer I have worked for many councils, schools, festivals (including Glastonbury), companies and of course countless parents.
Since 2012 I have been delivering maths workshops up and down the country which has enabled me to combine another passion of mine, maths. I was inspired to write my own Maths shows to help my children with their Primary School Maths. I wanted to put together a programme where they had the ability to show their ideas in a hands-on practical way making it fun whilst they developed a deeper understanding of Maths.
I have known Steven Mullins for over 25 years, he has a fantastic rapport with children and has expertly filed the role of Doctor Brainwave. For the past 7 years Steve has worked in Primary Schools and Nursery’s. He is currently a private tutor for Maths, English and Science. He gained a Science degree from Liverpool John Moores University and is a trained actor and writer.